Wednesday, March 01, 2006


A Place for the God-Hungry has the first 10 items, out of a projected 41, that married people ought to know. Good thoughts, worth reading. He starts out strong:

1. Married people are called to move away from self-centeredness and toward self-lessness. The "self" has a way of getting in the way of a good marriage.

and ends just as strongly:

9. Married people need to come to grips with the reality of the sin they are inflicting on one another. Consider these: harshness, rudeness, impatience, self-centeredness, pride, willfully inflicting pain, etc.

10. How utterly foolish for husbands or wives to run down their mates just to get a cheap laugh from co-workers. What about the second most important commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself"? Is this the way mature men and women treat one another?

And everything in between is worth reading, too.

<idle musing>
With regards to 1: selfishness/the self, the old man tends to get in the way of more than just a good marriage!
</idle musing>

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