Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Quote for the day

“…I remain convinced that whatever else God is, God is not a capitalist…First and foremost, from a capitalist point of view, God has a lousy business model. Consider the parable about hiring workers for the vineyard at different times of the day and paying them all the same wage (Matt. 20:1-16). Any businessperson reading this as a straightforward description would conclude the obvious: there’s no way in which this is an economically competitive practice. Overpaying the latecomers results in a wage bill higher than one’s competitors; no extra payments for the all-day laborers invites resentments and its sequalae—shirking, sabotage, and more. It also provides no material incentives for working hard, for loyalty to the boss, for reliability. It’s bad labor utilization and is certain to put God’s vineyard out of business sooner rather than later.” — Michael L. Budde “God is Not a Capitalist” in God is Not...Religious, Nice, "One of Us," An American, A Capitalist

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