Friday, June 29, 2007

10 about Bonhoeffer

Ben Myers has a guest post today with 10 theses on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Well worth the read, especially the ninth one:

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a maverick theologian. John Maverick was a 19th-century Texas rancher and legislator who received a herd of cattle in payment of a bill and turned them loose on the range without a brand. When one of them turned up without a brand, it was assumed to be one of Maverick’s. Many have tried to mark Dietrich with their own brand, to no avail! He slipped away from the death of God theologians when they realized that the same man who wrote from prison about living in a world without God was the one who invited a Russian atheist fellow prisoner to participate in a final communion service just before being executed. Pacifists put a claim on him but felt betrayed by his admission that he would kill Hitler himself if the lot fell to him as a member of the conspiracy. Evangelicals like his talk about Jesus but wish Bonhoeffer had been more concerned about his unsaved relatives and friends. Social activists appjavascript:void(0)
Publish Postlaud him for his concern for the oppressed but are embarrassed by his orthodox Christology. Even in death, as in life, he remained unbranded.

<idle musing>
I like that-unbranded. I would say that he had but one brand—the brand of Jesus Christ, indelibly written on his heart. May his tribe increase!
</idle musing>

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