Thursday, April 24, 2008

Where's the problem?

Out of Ur has a recent post which compares the "emerging/emergent church" to the movie Cloverfield.

So much energy has been devoted to discrediting the emergent movement, that it can also be disappointing to discover just how modest and meager their changes are. They may do church in the round. They may sit on sofas rather than pews. They may wear jeans rather than khakis, but basically, the emergent movement is a heartfelt gathering of Christians trying to follow Jesus together.

<idle musing>
And that is what the problem is? I just don't understand why the emerging church is a lightning rod for criticism...Oh, wait, here it is:

A struggling, insecure church has identified emergent Christians as the new enemy.

Yep! That's it. Trying to defend your version of "church" instead of rejoicing in the diversity that is in God...
</idle musing>


That's my 2 cents! said...

I didn't even know what "Emerging Christianity" was until a few years ago. When I started looking into it I discovered, much to my absolute shock, that I am and always pretty much have been an Emerging Christian. It pretty much fits my Christian walk like a glove.

So how does one explain being something when one never knew such a thing existed?? I've always thought it's the way the Holy Spirit has lead me. I can't account for it any other way. Then again I'm emerging, so I must be wrong


Jonathan Erdman said...

It is so interesting how easily threatened the religious institutions are. The insecurity comes, I think, from real problems within. I guess it is just easier to find enemies in the form of the media, "postmodernism," "emerging" church, etc. than it is to admit that things are seriously wrong.

One of the problems with religion of all stripes is that if you notice that what you are doing is failing, you always have a fall back: We are God's chosen and we need to stand firm until the end; this is only a trial and tribulation period.