Monday, March 01, 2010

Our response required

...justification by faith apart from works means justification by grace-enabled participatory response rather than by privilege (passive) strued as asset, or even trust. Justification by faith means that God justifies those who respond appropriately to, rather than ignore or try to elicit, God's favor (grace), whether Jew or Gentile. In the end, it is perhaps best to say that justification is by means of God's faithfulness expressed in love, to which humans, move and enabled by God's Spirit, respond in faithfulness that expresses itself in love—that is, in co-crucifixion. What matters for Paul is faith “made effective through” (NRSV margin) or “expressing itself through” (NIV) love (Gal 5:6), which corresponds to the cross of faith and love by which believers live (Gal 2:20). Once again, there can be no separation of faith from love, of faith from action.Inhabiting the Cruciform God, p. 81

<idle musing>
We respond only because he enables us, but we must respond!
</idle musing>

1 comment:

Jim said...

hey- sorry- lost your email

it might be way cool to honor his memory with an offer on his works.