Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Joshua 24

“Josh 24 forms a fitting conclusion to Joshua. It shows that it is a book addressed to Israel concerned with the way that she is to relate to YHWH. It demonstrates the need for a positive choice to serve YHWH to be made, and to put away idols and foreign gods. What this means in practice has been spelled out in Josh 23 in homily, and developed in story in the rest of the book. Achan is one who fails to ‘choose YHWH’ whilst Rahab is one who chooses YHWH, with both stories indicating, in different ways, the demanding nature of this choice. ‘True Israel’ is constituted by those who gladly choose to worship and serve YHWH, expressed in living by torah and avoiding various competing, idolatrous allegiances.”—Reading Joshua as Christian Scripture, page 196

<idle musing>
Sounds like a good summary. "[A]voiding various competing, idolatrous allegiances" is still at the hear of loving God today. Maybe the difference is that then the idols were usually visible; now they tend to be less so—but, I'm not so sure. I think we just tend to be less aware of them because we are so used to them...
</idle musing>

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