Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The bread of life

I'm on the road today, on my way to the ATLA conference, so just a pair of quotations from The Rest of the Gospel: When the partial Gospel has worn you out:

God raised our new man from the dead—God birthed in us an entirely new spirit, holy and righteous—so that he could unite Himself to our spirit and live His life through us. Whether we knew it or not, at salvation Jesus Christ came into us and we became one with Him. He now lives in and through us.— page 56

Nobody is offended as long as you are talking from the perspective of separation instead of union. As long as we are down here and God is up there, and He does something for us, it's OK. But when you start talking about Jesus living His life in you, through you, as you,that raises eyebrows. In John 6, the people were perfectly satisfied with Jesus as long as he produced bread. The offense came when He said He was the bread.— page 59

<idle musing<
As long as you talk religion, nobody minds. But, talk about union with Christ...well, it isn't always pretty.
</idle musing<

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