Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A loose cannon?

It is far from certain that the professional curser required a view of the target on every occasion. Indeed, this may not have been always feasible. Even so, some kind of connection between the specialist and the intended victim appears to be essential. While viewing the target would be the easiest way to establish a link, the practitioner could also manipulate something the target owned or touched, a piece of cloth, some hair, or dust from a path he or she takes daily. The tactic is precautionary. It gives the curse direction and safely limits its operation. Without this careful restriction, a malediction could spread uncontrollably, allowing it to find and settle on alternate, unintended targets.— Cursed Are You!, page 398

<idle musing>
Unintended targets—like yourself! Dangerous stuff, which is why cursing was illegal—even though most everybody did it...
</idle musing>

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